e-Filing Systems
Office of Campaign Finance’s E-filing system provides transparency of Campaign reporting by Political Committees. The e-filing system aids the Office of Campaign Finance to monitor and enforce the campaign finance and disclosure requirements established for candidates, political committees, political action committees, independent expenditure committees, elected public officials, and Senators and Representatives in the District of Columbia. The e-filing system’s primary goal is to ensure that local candidates seeking election to public office, elected public officials, and the treasurers of all committees, and the constituent services and statehood fund programs make complete and full financial disclosures.
This system facilitates online registration of filer and submitting financial reports online. The Electronic Filing and Reporting System allows users both registered and non-registered to Download campaign finance filer data, search electronic disclosures of Registration Statements, access all contributions and expenditures reported from 2003, through the current reporting period, view Reports and Summaries, Financial Reports search, Review Quick Statistics of filer data.
Quick access to useful summary information at the contributor, candidate, ballot measure and campaign committee levels with options for sorting and further manipulating the data.
The system aims at maintaining the integrity and transparency of the campaign finance process by enforcing the law, educating the public, administering public financing, and training campaign committees in order to encourage timely compliance.
With over 100000 contributions dating back to 2003, E-Filing system provides an exhaustive platform for media and the general public to research on financial campaign data.
DataNet developed an electronic Docket System (e-Docket) for the DC Public Service Commission. The e-Docket System helps the Public Service Commission manage its cases and proceedings. Utility companies and public users can register to submit their dockets electronically. Also includes a public search module that will allow users to view filings.
The system is inclusive of the following modules
- User Registration to file dockets online
- Registration Approval
- Administrator Dashboard with important numbers
- Walk-in filing
- Manage Roles, Users, Case types, Filing Types, Cases, Order Numbers, and Service Lists