States have been looking for innovative ways of improving the effectiveness of providing Medicaid services. DataNet understands the responsibility of the states to effectively utilize their taxpayer funds while still providing reliable healthcare to some of America's neediest citizens - one of the ways of doing this is improving the communication between government institutions, care providers, and the Medicaid recipients. DataNet also realizes the proper healthcare information exchange can help keep America running and that its improvement can come about with innovative information technology solutions.
As with its other healthcare IT work, DataNet strives to combine its 20+ years of IT experience with its network of healthcare expertise. DataNet builds trendsetting electronic infrastructures around which coordinated and customized healthcare informatics tools are built. All of this is done in such a way to alleviate the funds spent on administering and overseeing healthcare delivery and divert it back to those that need it the most - primary care providers, pharmacy networks, and clinician services. DataNet achieves this with the help of its partner network by implementations of:
- EMR's that will reduce patient error rates
- Electronic clinical decision support tools
- E-prescription systems that not only fax information but actually securely transfer data
- Security frameworks that authenticate users, authorize access to specific services, and ensure confidentiality and integrity of messages
- Methods to reduce fraud, waste and abuse such as improper Medicaid payments
- Policies for identity management, non-repudiation, patient data privacy and consent management
Overall, DataNet's team of subject matter experts, IT resources, and federal and state Medicaid experience will empower healthcare networks to improve or institute their healthcare information exchanges.